

Michèle et Philippe Devisme
« Cauduro »
34360 Saint-Chinian
Tél. 06 03 36 53 95

Accéder à Cauduro

By Car Go to Béziers (A 75 exit 63 or A 9 exit 36, Béziers Ouest), take the direction St Pons – Mazamet via the RD 612. 11 kilometres after St Chinian, at the end of the 3-lane highway, go left in the direction of Pardailhan, Cauduro via the D 179 then, after 1.5 km, left again in the direction of Cauduro via the D179 E.

By train Get off at the station at Béziers, then there is a 45 min drive to reach Cauduro

Airport Montpellier (1h30), Béziers (45mn), Carcassonne (1h30), Castres (1h).

GPS Lat. 43° 26’ 57‘‘ – Long. 02° 52‘ 16‘‘