La Plume

An almost « bourgeoise » house for Cauduro. The ancestral means of cooking are visible in the living room..
The pink bedroom is appreciated by children, the yellow bedroom is envied in summer for its coolness, while the blue bedroom with its beautiful bathroom is « reserved » for parents.
After analysing the land registry from 1812, and during the restoration, we noticed that « La Plume » is a collection of three different houses, modified and raised after at least two fires.
In the thickness of the wall, on the right of the fireplace, we found the original « cooking pit ». The cooking pit was the « kitchenette » where food was cooked on the embers taken from the fireplace.
The fireplace was rebuilt in its original location, against the « ash pit » on the bottom right. The « ash pit » was a sort of larder where cooked meats were preserved in the ash.